July 31, 2015

The Secrets of Successful Container Management by Tri-Tainer


Strategically positioned a few kilometres from Melbourne's port terminals, the Tri-Tainer Services operational model taps directly into the international shipping market. We have the location, the space, the storage containers, and the personnel required to run a highly efficient operation, but it's through a potent storage management plan that we condense these assets into a truly successful venture. The outcome of this carefully controlled storage policy is our acclaimed quick turnaround service. By harnessing a proactive approach to storage management, we, Tri-Tainer Services, extend our influence beyond the confines of our 26,000 metre estate.

As proudly stated, we've created a storage facility that's within a stone's throw of Melbourne's maritime distribution ports. We've located our Tri-Tainer park within the Paramount Industrial Estate in Derrimut, a locale that has allowed us to seamlessly interface between the port and key inland distribution nodes. The resulting throughput generated by location and management procedures is our much-vaunted 10 minute load and unload operation, a turnaround figure that places us ahead of our nearest competitors. The secret to this cycle of precision lays in instituting a twofold strategy, a storage plan that creates viable linkages between the outer intermodal distribution model and the inner workings of the Tri-Tainer facility. The logging of reefer shipments on specialized software platforms aids in this system, as does the monitoring of cargo outside of the storage centre. Successful management on this dual scale level avoids site congestion and keeps perishable shipments climate-controlled over short and long term periods.

Tri-Tainer Services earns a place of prominence by proudly embracing these lofty management ideals. Rather than establish the premises as some self-governing, autonomous establishment, we recognize our place as an essential link within the international cold chain freight cycle. We coordinate all of our resources to keep turnaround congestion-free, monitoring shipments and incorporating supplemental services to reinforce our professional business image. This includes the allocation of straddle carrier assets, the integration of powerful security systems and the courage to spend substantial amounts of capital when setting up superior maintenance programs.

Management-specific enterprises include:

  • Harnessing computer software solutions to handle site commodities
  • Establishing local connections with truck companies and port authorities
  • Planning for future growth

The nitty-gritty of storage facility management also involves reliability. Management personnel enforce this important value by tracking departure-to-destination data, information that's entered into software and used to regulate storage systematics. The data includes the arrival date of the shipment, the unit number of the cargo, and a ream of other shipment-specific information. Handheld readers simplify this job, leaving the staff at Tri-Tainer Services to focus on the allocation of hardstand lots and the management of climate-control settings. At this point the monitoring phase moves into commission, holding steady until the next stage, the loading of the truck. Management touches and improves every aspect of these storage stages.

Contacts Details

  • Address: 34 Hunter Rd, Derrimut
    VIC 3030, Australia
  • Office Phone: 03 8390 6355
  • After Hours: Danny 0408 488 114
  • Email: info@tritainer.com.au

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