July 14, 2015

Why Is Space and Good Facility Important in Cargo Management?

cargo space

Containerised cargo transport is a fast-growing global industry. Container space allocation at ports as well as at storage and transport facilities is at a premium. As the number of full containers increases, so does the number of empty containers and the level of empty container handling that becomes necessary.

Foldable containers, rather than conventional containers, have been proposed to promote greater cost efficiency. The Port of Melbourne estimates these new foldable types of containers would reduce the projected total number of containers from 7.057 million to 5.817 million by 2035, and there would be an estimated 80 percent decrease in the number of containers sitting empty. Undoubtedly, foldable containers would significantly impact container transport and logistics systems from what is accepted today.

However, foldable container technology is not being quickly accepted into a well-established cargo transport industry. It can therefore be presumed that there will be little significant change, aside from rapidly increasing global trade, transport, and containers, within the next twenty years. Today, containers are still arriving and leaving ports, and within the transit network, they must be stored somewhere during transport.

Tri-Tainer is a 30-year reefer transport and storage operation, which has become fundamental to global distribution and international freight lines. To be sure, Tri-Tainer professionally handles conventional containers as well as refrigerated units.

Adequate Space

Tri-Tainer offers a 26,000 square meter area at its Paramount Industrial Estate facility acquired in 2009. This container park is 100 ton capacity hardstand engineered to accommodate straddle carrier operations.

Regardless if a refrigerated container is 6 m. or 12.2 m., or if it is a conventional 3 m. to 6 m. to 12.2 m. high grade, dry goods container, full or empty, Tri-Tainer has the capably to store it. Space is not an issue. Simply put, we have, for example, the capacity to securely store 2000 GP TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units; standard stackable dry containers). We have an additional one-hundred fifty (150) well-configured reefer points.

Outstanding Facility

Tri-Tainer is a 77G Customs Depot and QAP Class 2.8 (imported containerized refrigerated pig meat) licensed facility, which provides long- and short-term container storage solutions in a 24-hour / 7 days a week secured area. Containers are most vulnerable when they are stored between points. Our on-site security also includes monitoring software, personnel, and video camera surveillance.

We are a large intermodal family-owned facility in operation for thirty years, located within convenient and easy access to major highway and distribution routes.

Normal turnaround is quick and efficient and is based on a FIFO (first in – first out) technology based operation model. However, when refrigerated cargo must stay for an extended time in our facility, it is assured that the closely (remote computer) monitored and supervised combined climate control and fresh air management (AFAM) system will provide the very bare minimum of loss of cargo freshness.

Contacts Details

  • Address: 34 Hunter Rd, Derrimut
    VIC 3030, Australia
  • Office Phone: 03 8390 6355
  • After Hours: Danny 0408 488 114
  • Email: info@tritainer.com.au

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